Insurance Matrix
Directions – Matrix
For each type of insurance listed in the matrix, identity three functions, three coverage characteristics, and three companies that offer this type of insurance.
|Type of Insurance |Functions |Coverage Characteristics |Companies That Offer It |
|Auto | |This assists to pay for the damages to aperson's |AAA, State Farm,Geico, Farm BureauInsurance |
| | |ownautomobile and others.This also insurespersonal | |
| |This kind of insurancedefends the car against |injurieshappened in a car mishap. Thisadditionally | |
| |responsibilityand property dangers |reduces theresponsibility for assetdamages | |
|Home | | | |
| | |Assists protect or decrease the sum of damage from |AAA, State Farm,Liberty Mutual |
| |This kind of insurance coverage defends the home owner |things like fire, deluge, and criminal damage. This | |
| |against responsibility as well as property dangers of a|might also decrease the sum of up front |