The design of the product to be manufactured and the specification of which manufacturing process to adopt are critical considerations for the productions and operations managers (Banjoko, 2009).
Product and process technology is rapidly evolving. Competition is becoming more and more globally based. Customers are emphasizing improved quality and reliability, but reduced defense spending requires an emphasis on value and affordability. This dynamic and challenging environment requires the implementation of integrated product development concepts to reduce development cycle time and improve product quality and value.
Integrated Product Development (IPD) is based on the integrated design of products and manufacturing and support processes. It is not a matter of assessing the producibility, testability, supportability and quality of the product after it has been designed nor of focusing on related data item deliverables nor of extensive testing to improve quality or reliability. These approaches extend design cycle time, increase product development cost, and may not result in the most optimum way to produce and support the product. Instead, all of the competitive factors or "ilities" must be considered from the very start of product development and designed into the product. The design of the product and the process must be integrated to assure a more optimum approach to manufacture and support the product.
A product is defined as all things the buyer receives in an exchange, bad and good, intended and unintended. Products include all things the buyer receives including the physical attributes (a new car) and the intangible attributes (a warranty and a financing contract).
Given the rapid changes in consumer tastes, technology, innovation and competition, companies must develop a steady stream of new products and services. A firm can obtain new products in two ways:
One is through acquisition—by buying a whole company, a patent, or a license
Bibliography: Banjoko S. A, Production and Operations Management (Republish edition, 2009) Principle of Marketing –MGT301 VU @copyright Virtual University of Pakistan Ulrich, Karl T. and Eppinger, Steven D(2004) Product Design and Development, 3rd Edition, McGraw- Hill, New York, 2004.