Concepts that will assist in integrating our faith into our learning begins with
the belief that a Christian college is distinctive in that the Christian faith can
touch the entire range of life and learning to which a liberal education cannot.
The main objective for attending a Christian college is that it offers academic
excellence with a deep understanding of the foundational commitments of
Christian faith. Holmes statement that faith and learning interact rather than
integrate is somewhat confusing because he later on talks of integrating the two.
The need to integrate a positive attitude and motivation is a good place to start.
It is hard to have a positive attitude towards college if you are of the belief that
college is only a means to what is really important; a job or career. But if we can
integrate a positive attitude towards the journey that leads us to the end goal of
the perfect job, or better yet, a rewarding and fulfilling career, the journey will
be an enjoyable one.
Holmes speaks of a foundational approach integrating faith and learning. He
identifies history and philosophy as “foundational disciplines”. In history there are
many samples of faith in creative contact with learning that we can refer to. It
is also very important to explore how faith can improve on our ability to learn, to
go beyond our scientific limitations and ask ourselves the how, and why faith
plays a part in our studies.
Holmes also approaches the concept of integrating ethical issues with learning.
He states that the ethical
References: Holmes, Arthur F., The Idea of a Christian College, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. hhtp://