It is the latter; however, that has the greatest potential for implementation and acceptance, solar, with its ease of installation, low footprint, net metering (selling electricity back to the utilities), government incentives, and high return on investment. Despite this solar energy, both thermal and photovoltaic, have yet to see widespread use. The reluctance towards solar energy has been more out of mind-set than any other cause, the mind-set that "someone should do something" but just not themselves or the more common "it is not my problem; the world won 't run out of resources in my lifetime"; which society, as a whole, deems an acceptable risk. While it is probable that the world most likely will not run out of resources in the next one hundred years this should not stop conservation efforts and endeavors to integrate renewable energy resources into daily life, more
References: Energy Information Administration. (2006, June). World Oil Markets. The International Energy Outlook 2006 (DOE/EIA-0484(2006), pp. 25-26). 1000 Independence Ave., SW Washington, DC 20585: Energy Information Administration. Energy Information Administration. (2006, June). World Oil Markets. International Energy Outlook 2006 (DOE/EIA-0484(2006), p. 26). 1000 Independence Ave., SW Washington, DC 20585: Energy Information Administration.