
Integrative Approaches To Psychology

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Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity (Second Edition) by David N. Entwistle provides an insightful overview of worldview issues, philosophical foundations, and a comprehensive view of five models of integration. The author focused on psychology and Christianity and the integration of psychology and theology based on a biblical worldview. How do Christians relate and navigate the two worlds of Christianity and science collectively or as a whole? The first three sections delve into the many different and connected parts of psychology and Christianity as it relates to secular thinking and Christian thinking. The fourth section of the book sums up the five models of integration and the author’s chosen model of integration. Many …show more content…

The Enemies model (Antagonistic) draws from the assumption that psychology and Christianity are opposed to each other or incapable of existing together. Secular Combatants reject religious authority and all power in general (modernism). Christian Combatants are skeptical of all human reason, and their goal is to safeguard religious authority and formal declaration of opinions against secular reasoning. The Spies model predicts that all religious systems have either a negative or positive effect on persons. Domestic and Foreign Spies aspire to help individuals no matter what it takes including watering down core doctrines (pragmatic). Colonialists emphasize the use of psychological methods or findings only in that support their theological belief system (manipulative). Neutral Parties model applies a theory that psychology and theology operate from their individual sources, an area of study, and findings; neutral parties advocate for whatever discipline they are utilizing at any given time (disciplinary sovereignty). The author’s chosen Allies model “recognizes the underlying unity of human nature and the legitimacy of both theological and psychological investigation” (Entwistle, 2010, p. 147). The Allies realize and advocate that all truth …show more content…

I took a chance once and confided in an older adult female who was a professed Christian and lay counselor at the church I was attending at that period. I asked the woman “how does a person get healed, delivered, and recover from a dark past filled with child abuse, neglect, and abandonment?” The woman answered in a sharp tone of voice “ all of us have suffered to some degree or another; because God does not intend for persons to suffer, we all need to get over things and reach out to others based on what the good book (Bible) tells us” (Christian Combatants). After mulling over the answer I received, I told the woman that I was referring to myself regarding the question, and then I said: “I am presently experiencing life difficulties both mentally, emotionally, and spiritually that might have to do with some dark past events that happened in my childhood.” “Also, I feel I need counseling for alcohol and drug abuse issues.” The Christian lay counselor then said to me “I think that you should make a stronger effort to attend more Bible studies and fellowship with others who share similar or same life issues as yourself.” After that comment, I decided to seek counseling outside of the church for drug and alcohol use issues. I wound up seeing a female therapist who to my knowledge was not a Christian counselor, but was able to treat me for complex trauma

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