Management, &
present a contrast in order to compare the conventional thinker versus the integrative thinker. Also present a vision about the integrative thinker affront the issues a take the decisions. Entrepreneur
In our life’s we learn a take decisions using a comparisons like rate of return, cost, salvage
By Eng. Jaime Morales Nieves
value and other economics criteria. However in the engineering’s curses that I take, never heard about the uses an integrative thinking in order to taking a complete decisions.
Managers have many responsibilities in theirs job every day. They have to organize, lead, and control: people, team, money, facilities, and other
Roger Martin
describe an integrative thinking as a mind that can view other options beyond the conventional options. resources to accomplish the business objectives.
Mind that affront the problem with different
Also they have to take important decisions, which
perspective, instead to choose for choice 1 or
involve a lot of thought. When a manager takes a
choice 2, the integrative thinker hold the two
decisions, they have to analyze all the parameters
options in their mind and develop a choice 3 using
that will be affected, advantages, disadvantages
the benefits of the choice 1 and choice 2.
and many other essential aspects before take it.
Establish a powerful choice, and challenge the
We live in a world that change every minute.
conventional options.
World at where the technology is one of the
This practice is powerful, because many time we
principal tools in the business development. For
take an option restricted by the convention form,
this and other reason, we have to discuss the
and can’t view other advantage or disadvantage.
integrative thinking. How the integrative thinking
I think that this thinking form, should be learned
affront the issues and take hard decisions?
References: Both are importance Martin R, (2007) (2005).