To improve our understanding of accounting concepts and become familiar with the contents of a company’s annual report (Form 10-k), and the proxy statement (DEF 14A) which are both filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
The team shall lead a class discussion for Intel Corporation 2010, with an analysis of Intel’s profitability. In addition to the presentation, a written report will be submitted onto Blackboard by May 2, 2011. The report shall contain the answers to the questions in the project handout.
Through our analysis of Intel’s financial documents, there have been a number of specific items that have expanded our experience in understanding the concepts of accounting principles using a real world example. To elaborate, details of Intel’s supply chain has helped us understand the complexity of profitability and the multiple layers of risks involved based on environment, politics, natural, cultural, and technological factors. In addition, real world usage of financial and accounting forms including the 10-k, SEC Form DEF14A (Securities and Exchange Commission) help identify a granular level of the financial situation of said company. Furthermore, the multi level complexity of assets, liabilities, and stockholder’s equity deduce the day-to-day transactions of one of the largest companies in the world into understandable and workable means. Finally, the analysis of Intel’s financial statements gives us an expanded understanding and detailed interpretation of accounting concepts learned in class.
I. Background information
a. Name of the company?
The name of the company is Intel Corporation. (Intel Annual Report 2010, Cover Page)
b. Fiscal year covered by the annual report?
The fiscal year covered by the annual report is year 2010. (Intel Annual Report 2010, Cover Page)
c. Stock exchange where shares are traded and stock ticker symbol?
Intel’s Symbol is INTC. The stock exchange for Intel is