HARUN MENGES (s1279521)
HARUN MENGES (s1279521)
INTRODUCTION Since the corporations’ requirement change in time , leadership conception develops and becomes more important. Changes in the field of total quality management result in arising new concepts about leadership.Especially since 1978, it has been found that conventional approaches about leadership style is not enough, and therefore new distinctions started to form.The difference between theory and observation revealed that new leadership concept and a new management paradigm based on this new concept are needed. Intellectual leadership helps companies in terms of forming dynamic and competition sensitive processes and getting higher value added tax by offering the workers the chance to prove themselves. Technology adaptations, profit optimization, cumulative success focus are possible with intellectual leaders’ having required properties.Intellectual leaders give priority to improvement and learning. So they increase the company’s creative ability. Intellectual leaders play an important role in creating the expected performance in new organization models.Business need to give priority to intellectual leadership model in order to compete more successively in the intellectual economy course based on information and informatics. 1. LEADERSHIP AND INTELLECTUAL LEDERSHIP CONCEPTS Leadership is a concept whose importance is understood by business in recent years. Leadership concept has lots of definition in literature but it is simply the power of affecting people. More generally, it is social impact procedure which provides enthusiastic participation of followers in order for business to achieve a goal. Leadership is not a process which starts with power and can be explained only with power. At the same time leadership needs consultancy, confidence, sympathy, desire, consistency and