What is Intellectual Property (IP) and how does counterfeit merchandise impact the U.S. economy? Intellectual Property is materials that are copyrighted, but are produced by counterfeit often looking or performing much like the copyright that they have stolen. Many items that are counterfeit include video games, movies, clothing, automobile and aircraft parts, medications, and personal items such as body sprays, perfumes, and washing detergents. Items are often made and trafficked by organized crime or other criminal and terror groups. Since counterfeit products are available on the black market no taxes are collected and the quality of those product are often subpar …show more content…
or even dangerous to the consumer. Since there is no government agency involved in inspecting those products on the black market the consumer can never be sure that the product will even perform like the real thing. Since there is no government regulation of counterfeit goods, no taxes are collected to put money back into the country economy.
What safety and health concerns are posed by counterfeit products? The biggest concern posed by counterfeit product is items that health and beauty products.
For example, medication that is counterfeit has not been inspected by government agencies such as the FDA to ensure their effectiveness and quality. Often those products can often cause more harm than good. There have been cases in the past, that items such as washing detergent that were counterfeit was made from harmful chemical nowhere near the chemical that are used in the real product. People that purchase those counterfeit products are put their lives at risk.
How does IP theft pose an existential threat to national security? IP theft poses a threat to national security because often the money that is made from the sale of counterfeit product is often used for criminal activities to include acts of terror. In addition, organized crime group have been known to make money from counterfeit product to provide income for other illegal activities such as the trafficking of drugs and the movement of human through smuggling. By supporting the sale of counterfeit the consumer is contributing to actions of those criminal enterprises.
2) Explain the purpose of and reasoning behind Executive Order 13,133. Specifically, what were the goals of the working group that was established by the Executive …show more content…
Order? The purpose of Executive Order 13133 was to police the use of the internet. Upon the completion of the internet the whole world was open to each one of us to include people that were intending on doing harm. The days before the internet crime was pretty much limited to the streets. But since the internet the trade of many black-market items such as guns, explosives, child pornography, counterfeit products, and personal information such as social security number can be facilitated inside walls of one’s home. EO 13133 sole purpose was to regained control over the internet, much like a city attempt to regain control from local gangs. EO 13133 established a working group to explorer the vulnerability associated with crime and business on the internet. Many crimes that involved the stealing of technology involves the internet. For example, it is a known fact the F22 and F35 programs have been hacked by the Chinese government to further their own advancement with stealth technology. With the internet business and personal bank account can be hacked and cash can be stolen right before our eyes. The goal of the of the working group was to come up with plans to protects product, while providing a layer of security for both private and government entities without restricting the use of the internet.
3) Explain the concept of "Smart Borders". Smart Borders concept was designed to facilitated the screening and processing of traveler leaving and enter the country.
By working with other government many travelers could be screened and processing more efficient if they were a low risk to national security, therefore allowing agencies to focus on travelers that may posed a risk to national security for additional screening. Voluntary, background checks can be performed for traveler who want to participated in the Smart Border for expedited clearance on entry. With used of technology border agencies can created databases to keep track of travelers that may be threat to national security. The sharing of data between countries and different agencies is one of the single greatest factor that enhanced the Smart Borders
4) How has the SMART Port Security, the SAFE Port Act, and the Small Vessel Security Strategy impacted port security? SMART Port Security has enhanced port security by heighten the security in place by improving cooperation among the different agencies that are responsible for providing port security within our nations port of entry. By enhancing communication and training with different agencies, each one’s responsibilities are taught and outline to boosted response to acts threating the security of the port. Ultimately, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) along with agencies such as the Coast Guard are responsible for enacting and enhancing port security procedures to ensure all known security vulnerability are covered. The SAFE Port Act is The Security and Accountability for Every (SAFE) Port Act of 2006 enhanced existing program to include technology use to detected radiation. In addition, requirement for the identification of port employees was add to port security. The Transportation Worker Identification Credential much like a military CAC card allowed ports to use ID card readers to granted or deny entry to restricted areas of our nations port thus ensure access to those who have a need and are screened. Small Vessel Security Strategy purpose was to addressed the risk of a small vessel within our nations port. Many port docks are restricted to small vessels, however as seen in USS Cole incident small vessel can be a danger to larger vessel operating within the coastal areas of our nation. Additionally, the movement of contraband can be accomplished with small vessels since they are less likely to attract attention of radar and port security. The goal of the Small Vessel Security Strategy is reduced the risk of small vessel in our nations maritime environment at the same time not imposing unbearable restriction on our small vessel community.
5) Compare and discuss the similarities and differences of the external borders of New Europe to that of the U.S. Mexico border. The borders of United States-Mexico are in many ways like the borders between east and western Europe. For example, many south of the US border come the US looking for higher paying jobs than what they might find in their own country often illegal. While in Europe many move from the east where the wages are typical lower, to the west where wages are higher. With the large differences in income and the cost of living differences its only human nature that people want more. However, immigration whether illegally or legally has caused problems political on both continents. Within the European Unions the borders between most countries are open since each citizens of a EU country have the right to live and work in each member country per the EU bylaws. Open borders within the EU have allowed transnational crime such as smuggling and trafficking to travel with ease. Additionally, the borders of Morocco and Spain can be compare to Mexican US border since Morocco is not an EU member and Spain has border control in place much like the US. The biggest problem in Europe and in the United States is the threat of immigration to the way of life. Immigration often take jobs that locals do not want, however are often blame for the lack of jobs or a crash in the economy. Immigrations are often harassed whether they are legal or illegal on both continents.