The main objective of this article is to study the role of Intellectual Property Rights in Iran and draw a comparative analysis with respect to the same in the United States and the current international copyright agreements. It will also discuss to what extent Iran 's experience of the role of Intellectual Property Rights protection has contributed to its future economic and industrial development.
The fast growth of the Internet and technology has placed a great pressure on the Intellectual Property Protection such as Copyright in Iran. Moreover, works of authorship, which are easily accessible on the Internet, are frequently copied due to the attractive reasons of low cost and the resulting high profits.
Therefore, the publishers or authors have overwhelmingly responded to recent actions taken with enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights to cover and protect the information being easily copied.
The aim of intellectual property law, regardless of place of origin, is to nurture human innovation and creativity without improperly restricting distribution of its fruits. Intellectual property has become a growing industry in Iran. Although it is still in its formative stage, it has become an important component of economic policy as well as a significant tool for sustainable growth in the country.
There are two major International Conventions, which are operated within the Global System. The Berne Convention is for the Protection of Artistic and Literary work and Universal Copyright Convention was developed by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization as an alternative to the Berne Convention for those states which disagreed with aspects of the Berne Convention, but still wished to participate in some form of multilateral copyright protection. Signatories to the Berne Convention are mainly European and Common Wealth and those to the Universal Copyright Convention are the
References: ee also *Economy of Iran *List of countries ' copyright length External links * [http://www.wipo.int/treaties/en/ShowResults.jsp?lang=en&treaty_id=15 WIPO 's BERNE membership list of states] * [http://www.ip-watch.org/weblog/index.php?p=1095 Iran’s New Law On IP Protection Moves It Onto International Stage] (2008) Read more: International Copyright on the Internet | Law Teacher http://www.lawteacher.net/copyright-law/essays/international-copyright-on-the-internet.php#ixzz2RUkLmUR1 Follow us: @lawteachernet on Twitter | LawTeacherNet on Facebook