1. Clarity, is a gateway standard if a statement is unclear it cannot determine whether it
is accurate or relevant.
2. Relevance is a statement that is clear, accurate, and precise but not relevant to the question at hand.
3. Logicalness, bring a variety of thoughts together into some order making it logic.
4. Accuracy, a statement that maybe clear but not accurate but ask the question is it true or how can one check to see if it is correct.
5. Depth can be clear and correct, precise, and relevant, but superficial and lacking depth.
6. Significance is an individual thinks about what are important and gathering ideas and concepts according the concept of intellectual standards.
7. Precision is a statement that can be both clear and correct but not specific.
8. Breadth, it might be correct relevant and deep but lack and argument from either traditional or narrow-minded, but only focus on one side of the question.
9. Fairness is when an individual does not consider, and do not treating the individual the same when making decisions.