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There are other factors that come into play, such as creativity. Give two children a test of how many ways a brick could be used and you will find that even if they have the same IQ score, one may come up with apile more uses than the other. High intelligences as measured by IQ do not essentially lead to success. Samantha Duncan wrote, “Outliers are "normal" people born with a certain drive and work ethic, but who also encounter extreme luck throughout their lives”. This is true to some point it stands alone. People are born with a certain drive and work ethic, but get lucky through out their lives. Some take advantage…
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I think that IQ tests such as these are very good at evaluating a person's reasoning ability, skills at pattern recognition and comprehension / memory. However, there are other measures of an individuals aptitiudes such as emotional IQ, ability to function under stress, creativity and resourcefulness that can be just as important in practical life. For some purposes, IQ test results can be a useful tool for evaluation and comparison, but people shouldn't put too much stock in this as a single comprehensive measure of their abilities. There are many ways in which we can succeed in life that don't necessarily involve math prowess or extreme powers of recall or…
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According to Gardner, intelligences cannot be considered separately because there is a lot of an interaction amongst the various kinds and normally undertaking a simple task entails more than one. Educators should be careful that every child has all eight intelligences, but they function differently in different people because their operation solely depends on environmental, genetic and cultural factors. Some learners are highly developed in respect of a particular intelligence, some moderately so and others are poorly developed.…
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Everyone has different theories of what intelligence is. These theories can vary from one culture to another. There has been numerous researches on the effect of culture on human intelligence. These researchers believed that culture plays a sufficient role in learning to understand intelligence. What does culture mean to you? Culture can mean a varied of things, but in this context it is the way of life of a group of people, in which can include food, social interaction (organization) language, education, religion, ways of raising children etc. According to John Ogbu, “Culture consists of four main concepts. These concepts are customary behaviors, code, artifacts and institution. Customary behaviors focus just on the group of people such how…
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What is intelligence? How can it be defined, when it seems to be an individualistic characteristic? These are just a couple of questions in the debate over intelligence. The biggest misconception about intelligence is that it can be measured through an IQ test. While IQ tests are valuable pieces of information to have, they can’t specifically measure intelligence solely. Adam Hampshire, a PhD, psychologist, at the Brain and Mind Institute Natural Sciences Centre, London, Ontario, Canada says, “There are multiple types of intelligence, and It is time to move on to using a more comprehensive set of tests that can measure separate scores for each type of intelligence” (Mann, 2012). His belief is that tests that measure these different types of intelligence should be used in making the determination of intelligence, because in one area of the brain and individual may show intelligence, but in another they may not, so the confusion becomes, are they intelligent or not (Mann, 2012)?…
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Most psychologists now define Intelligence: the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and adapt to new situations.…
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Everyone wants to be intelligent, and everyone wants to know the crucial technique to be intelligent. Carol Dweck, the psychologist in Stanford University suggests that intelligence depends on the different mindsets in her article “Brainology: Transforming Students’ Motivation to Learn.” Also, I believe that one of the mindset is the key to develop intelligence and being successful.…
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Certainly, I do not consider myself as a person with high IQ or any talents, but I can confidently say I have a good grasp of practical intelligence. Whether it is at work or at school, I know what to say, how to say it and when to say it. For instance, if I miss a lesson in class, I would get in touch with my fellow students as well as…
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Before I started reading this chapter I had a since of the direction it was taking me. However, I was never really familiar with the term “School to Prison Pipeline” For most of the youth the pipeline begins with poor resources in the school system. Which could include overcrowding classroom, under qualified teachers and low funding for counselors and special educators. ( ( I think the standard testing contributed to the dropout rate among our youth. Example if a child has already failed a grade and is at risk of failing again more than likely he or she will drop out.…
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As soon as we are put into the school system as children we are immediately taught that getting good grades makes you smart, and getting bad grades makes you dumb. We are taught that honor roll students get labeled “gifted” as C or D range students are labeled only “average” or even “slow” or “below average”. Yet, does a simple standardized test with computer calculated answers determine our true intelligence? Is it legitimately fair to say one is not smart if the test is not scored high enough to society’s standards? We are humans. We are fascinating creatures; and the measures we have pushed our brains to is impeccable. In every type of activity and subject, we continue to strive as people. An enormous factor of our future is our education. It is just more likely to live a more comfortable life financially, if you educate yourself and get a degree. But why if there are so many different types on intelligence, does one kind of test deteriorate if people will make it or not?…
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And really the worst part about all of that is that intelligence isn’t some blanket term, applicable to all areas of education. There are so many different types of intelligence that really even tests, as black and white and emotionless as they are, cannot determine how smart someone is.…
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Smart has many facets, and anyone who categorizer’s smart as academic, having good spelling and grammar, being about to paint a picture or by being good at sports… now that’s just dumb. We are more than that, so much more… and the more we explore what brings us joy the more we expose who we really are and all the gifts that lay within us……
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Many would say defining intelligence is easily done, or that intelligence is clearly the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. However, there is more than just one type of intelligence in people. Not every human has the same thought process and abilities. Every individual has their own set of unique abilities and talents that cannot be defined and captured in one sentence. Intelligence is defined by human beings, and by their actions, theories, beliefs, and innovations. Many have searched to define intelligence, which is why we are left with numerous theories of what intelligence actually is. Perhaps, there are two types of intelligence that categorize numerous talents and abilities possessed by humans.…
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Based on the Free Psychological Tests, research shows that “55% of intelligence is determined by genetics and that the way a person is raised by their parent, the culture they were born into, education, and their circle of friends, determine 45% of your intelligence. If you are raised on a poor diet and in an environment that does not really appreciate education, you will become less intelligent than if you are raised on a healthy diet and encouraged to perform well in school.” Other people strongly think that they get their knowledge from their parents. Also some people strongly think that they perform a certain way because of their parents. It is said by some people that if their parents were smart they will be smart or if they lack knowledge that they will lack knowledge. Some people truly think that intelligence comes…
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