Intelligent Design: Theology in disguise
Expelled: The Movie
Lynette L. Davidson
Anthropology 354 Essay 2
March 16, 2013
Words: 1683
Style: APA
Materialism: Pure Science
The concept materialism as described by the authors of the book Critique of Intelligent Design is “the view that the world is explained in terms of itself…not by invocation of the super natural.”(Foster et al. 2008, p. 19) The idea that nature is caused by natural events and removal of God from the scientific equation was introduced in the third century BCE by Greek scholars including Epicurus. This foundation was the spring board for the age of Enlightenment. In this period Sir Isaac Newton, in spite of his own belief system, furthered the cause of naturalism. (p. 67) In later years, this lead to presentation of the Theory of Evolution by Charles Darwin and the expansion of social science by Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud. Materialism has been accused of reductionism in the extreme. However, materialism is the foundation of non-bias scientific discovery. Sir Isaac Newton understood the principals of science Epicurus had presented. Even though Newton did claim that God intervened at times he sought out fact and physical based evidence. (p. 68) Newton strived to remove the irrationalities from the Christian faith and replace them with evidence based science. Newton effectively created a God of gaps. (p. 71) Newton’s need for irrefutable proof helped lay pathways for other scientists to search for fact based theories as well. Charles Darwin followed in the footsteps of Epicurus and Newton in the search of origin without the intervention of divine power. In the movie Darwin Darkest Hours (Nova, 2009) it shows the progression of Darwin as a theology student to Darwin a man of pure science. In 1831Darwin was invited to join the voyage of the Beagle. Especially noteworthy was his trip to Galapagos Islands where Darwin discovered various birds which he