This is a paper about cultural awareness. It also emphasis how important it is in businesses. Why is it important? Communication is important in all relationships, to include business relationships. To show my knowledge, I was instructed to utilize the Kwintessential Language and Culture Specialist website and to answer questions provided by the professor. These questions are to identify which test were taken, my feelings about my scores, strengths, weaknesses, how to improve, and conclude by explaining why it is important for managers to increase their levels of cultural awareness.
This is a short paper discussing cultural awareness. The Kwintessential Language and Culture Specialist is the website that will be used to cover the topic of cultural awareness. From this site, I will select two tests and address a few questions. In the body, I will need to annotate which quizzes were taken. Next, I will explain if the scores I achieved on the quizzes surprised me. What strengths do I think I have in the area of inter-cultural awareness? What weaknesses did I identify from the quizzes? Then, I will create a plan of specific steps I can take to build on my strengths and improve areas of weakness. Then conclude by explaining why it is important for managers to increase their levels of cultural awareness.
Let me start by identifying the quizzes that were taken by me. Once I entered the website, I seen several selections so I just picked from the top or first selection titled Quizzes on Cultural Awareness. Within the title identified, I picked cross cultural quiz 1 and dining etiquette (Cultural Awareness Quizzes, 2004). I picked the cross cultural quiz because it focused on business scenarios. I selected the dining etiquette because I assumed that it would be interesting.
Next, I will address if I was surprise by my results from the quizzes. After taking the test, I was surprise by my score containing the business
Bibliography: Cultural Awareness Quizzes. (2004). Retrieved from Kwintessential: Importance of Cultural Awareness Skills for an International Workplace. (2010, 02 03). Retrieved from Communicaid: