However, once the trade between goods started to pick up, most importantly, silk, women became very important. The women had to make the silk, so without the women, silk would have never been as important and as popular. It wasn’t just silk that the women had to make, they had to make most of the goods that travelled along the Silk Roads. This is how the role of women picked up over the years. The role of merchants also increased on the social hierarchy. Merchants were also looked at as less important to other jobs, but when the Silk Roads became more popular merchants were the ones that were making all of the money. The merchant’s job is to transport the goods that the women and other people are making, producing, selling, etc. to buyers. Without the merchants no goods would have sold, they are the middle man between the seller and the buyer, it is their responsibility to make sure that the goods make it to where they belong. This is why the role of merchants increased. Another change that took place along the Silk Road between 200 B.C.E to 1450 C.E. is Buddhism and Christianity. Both religions’ values started to change. Buddhism started to blend with other religions and the monasteries became more …show more content…
shaped and changed many religions, technologies, cultures, and goods. However, the continuous flow of all these things never stopped. The Silk Road was a meeting place for many people, many ideas were spread and many new cultures developed. Without the Silk Road our world would not be the same today. Throughout history the Silk Road made a name for itself, it was a very important asset. Many interactions occurred there, that is why it was such a diverse area. There were a lot of changes and continuities in patterns of interactions along the Silk Road between 200 B.C.E to 1450