a.k.a. talamencephalon or betweenbrain
-between midbrain and cerebrall hemisphere;link
-encloses third ventricle; found between two thalami 4 Divisions:
1. Epithalamus
3. SUbthalamus
*epi and thala:dorsally located
1. Epithalamus STRUCTURES:
a. habenula
gray matter
soma or body of the neurons
found to link the limbic system with reticular formation(arousal)
b. stria medullaris
extension to the lower part of brain
c. epiphysis (pineal gland)
secretes melatonin:sleep chemical;third eye
2. Thalamus-thalami(two hemisphere/parts)
made up of nuclei
last relay station except for smell
screening structure 4 Divisions:
a. medial geniculate body: audition-temporal
b. lateral geniculate body: vision-occipital
c. ventral postero-lateral nucleus (VPL)
-center for somatosensation
-e.g. pain and temperature of the trunk and extremities
d. ventral postero-median nucleus (VPM)
-somtasensation in the head region
1. Epicritic/Discriminative Sensibility
-fine touch
-tells the location and number of stimuli
2. Steriognosis
-ability to identify object through touch without the aid of the sense of sight
3. Astereognosia
-inability to identify object through touch alone
4. Hypothalamus
chief subcortical center; regulation of autonomic activities
emotion control, water and temperature regulation, sympathetic and parasympathetic activities PARTS:
a) Lateral hypothalamic nucleus (hunger)
b) ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (satiety) *Hyperphagia- damage to VMHN *Hypophagia-damage to LHN
4. Subthalamus
a.k.a. prethalamus
forms part of extrapyramidal system
CEREBRAL CORTEX (telencephalon/cerebrum)
largest part of the brain
higher brain functions
GM (cell bodies) outside
WM (fiber tracts inside)
2 hemisphere, 4 lobes
Left Right
Analytical thought Holistic thought
Logic Intuition
Language Creativity
Science and health Arts and music
*corpus callosum-bad of white fibers connecting the left and right hemispheres
LOBES: Frontal, Occipital, Parietal, Temporal
a) Frontal-voluntary skeletal muscle
-concentration, planning, complex problem solving, judging consequences of behavior
b) Parietal-somatosensations
-speech, words to express thoughts and feelings
c) Temporal-hearing
-visual scenes, music, complex sensory patterns
d) Occipital-vision
-vision with other sensory experiences
Cerebral Cortex (GM area)
2-4 cm thick
highly convoluted (wrinkled and folded) increasing the surface are of the cortex
1. sulcus-shallow grooves on the cortex
2. fissure-deep sulcus
3. gyrus-bumps/elevated ridges/convolution on the ridges
*lateral cortex-covers the sides
*medial cortex-covers the middle. lie within the longitudinal cerebral fissure
one of the cortical areas mapped out on the basis of its cytocerchitectur (?)
1. Median Longitudinal Fissure-seperates the left and right cerebral hemisphere. Center is corpus callosum
2. Central Sulcus/Rolando’s Fissue-frontal/parietal; runs from the median longitudinal fissure to the lateral sulcus/fissure
3. Lateral Sulcus/Sylvian Fissure-frontal and parietal from temporal
4. Parieto-occipital-parieto/occipital
1. Frontal lobe-contains areas that Brodmann identified as involved in cognitive functions.
• Area 4-precentral gyrus-primary motor area/motor strip
• Area 6-premotor/supplementary motor area
• Area 8-anterior of premotor cortex;visual reflexes;eye movements
• Area 4s-suppresor band
• Areas 44,45-Broca’s area;speech motor area
The areas in the PARIETAL LOBE play a role in somatosensory processes
2. Parietal Lobe
• Areas 3,1,2-postcentral gyrus: primary somatosensory cortex
• Areas 5,7,40-presensory to sensory association area
• Area 39-angular gyrus-recognition of visual symbols
Areas involved in auditory processes
3. Temporal Lobe
• Areas 41,42-Heschl’s Gyri or anterior transverse temporal gyrus
• Area 41-primary auditory area
• Areas 21,22-auditory association area or wernicke’s area-understanding speech
• Area 37-object naming area
The occipital lobe contains areas that process visual stimuli
4. Occipital Lobe
• Area 17-primary visual area
• Area 18,19-secondary visual association area
1) Primary motor area-frontal lobe; initiate skeletal movement
2) Motor speech area (BROCHI’S AREA)- speech articulation
3) Sensory area-interprets sensory information
Visual Sensory Area-occipital; seeing
Auditory Sensory Area-temporal; hearing
Cuttaneous Area-parietal; somatosensation
Lobotomy-introduced by Moniz; procedure for cutting and removing part of the frontal lobe
• “gnosis”-to know
• “aphasia”- inability to understand or express the symbols connected with language that a person once knew
1. Visual Aphasia-word-blindness, alexia; damage to Area 39; inability to read printed words
2. Auditory Aphasia-sound without meaning; damage in Area 22
3. Wernicke’s Aphasia-both visual and auditory aphasia; damage in Brocha’s area
1. Verbal Aphasia-inability to talk even though vocal muscles are not paralyzed. Damage in Brocha’s area.
• apraxia-inability to carry out learned,voluntary acts though no paralysis is present
• agraphia-loss of writing ability
• agnosia-inability to recognize things
• finger agnosia- identifying fingers
• prosopagnosia-identifying faces
• anomia-loss of power to name objects and people;word finding, naming