1- Intercultural Dialogue as a concept tool to promote peace
In a world that is becoming increasingly interdependent , in a world that encompasses great cultural, ethnic, racial, national, and religious diversity, it is of great importance that we find ways to come together as a human family while still honoring, recognizing and respecting our many diversities. The field of intercultural dialogue provides important tools to help people deal with all these diversities in more positive ways that increase understanding between people and can improve and enrich people’s lives. In the wake of September
11th 2001, Iraq invasion in 2003 , the London attacks in 2005,the nuclear age, and now the bioterrorism age, it is also of great importance that we find ways and means to resolve our conflicts short of violence. Conflict issues must still be resolved , but understanding other people’s cultures, negotiating styles, and religions will prevent unnecessary misinterpretations of other people’s behavior, which can aggravate conflicts that already exist. Today ,peace ,opportunity tolerance and understanding are more than goals .They are also resources , essential elements of our increasingly global system. The aforementioned elements are not a luxury , not the final icing on the cake, they are the very bread of life , the fuel that is needed, right now, for a better, safe free and thriving world.Many approaches and tools for dealing with diversity from the fields of intercultural communication are needed as these pertain to creating more peaceful futures. Before analyzing the implications of intercultural dialogue as a tool of institutional dialogue between Morocco and the United
States, I propose to examine in this chapter the concept of intercultural dialogue and its importance in bringing people together .This will be done by first defining the term Intercultural Dialogue and then identifying key dates