Class- ENG W131 2868
Lane Rogers
SA4- New Realization
My interview with Pauline Archembault a ENG- W131 (Multilingual Version) teacher at Indiana University helped me bridge a gap between Kwasi Mensha’s “International Students in the U.S.: Trends, Cultural Adjustments, and Solutions for a Better Experience” and Michael Smithee’s “US Classroom Culture”. The article with a real person helped me get answers to questions that were unanswered in the two essays. My issue developed in my synthesis paper was why is there a cultural void in the American classroom between the teachers and international students. The interview helped me identify the problems that are language and difference in teaching methods and styles. The interview helped me fill the gaps between the two sources. The two sources were not very clear on what a teacher who works specifically with international students thinks about the cultural differences in the classroom and a interview with a teacher who deals specifically with …show more content…
Her response “The language barrier between the students and me are one of the biggest hurdles I have to overcome in my class” helped me develop my claim that the difference in language between the student and the teacher is responsible for the gap between them. The other realization also came during the interview when my source talked about how the students were used to the type of given in the classroom and how the students found the assignments to be different from the ones they are used to doing in their own country. This led to my second claim that the difference in the style and type of education in America as compared to other countries leads to a difference in classroom culture. This also leads to the differences in how the students behave and interact with the teacher in the