This paper explains Human Rights violations in Myanmar and the resolutuion of PBB. Since 1962, Myanmar has been ruled by an authoritarian military rule, where the freedom of people to express an opinion, expression, association and assembly are strictly limited by the government, as well as the political aspirations of the people. In addition, the ethnic conflict which lasted from the time of independence, making the condition of human rights in Myanmar is getting worse. Human rights conditions are bad, make the UN as an international organization that has focused attention on issues of human rights, through uniten Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has responsibility, responsibility to encourage the enforcement of human rights in Myanmar. The focus of this paper is the United Nations issued a policy to address human rights in Myanmar through one agency in particular, the UNHRC; development of the human rights situation in Myanmar seen from the two momentum, the student demonstrations and community events in the year 1988 (8888 uprising) and events demonstrations of the monks in 2007; United Nations to implement the policy in the form of supervision and resolution and negotiation; policies have encouraged the United Nations political transition process and enforcement of human rights in Myanmar.
Keywords: Human Rights, Myanmar, PBB, Policy Maker, Democration, Transition
Tulisan ini menjelaskan mengenai kebijakan PBB dalam pelanggaran HAM di Myanmar. Selain hak asasi manusia, manusia juga mempunyai kewajiban dasar antara manusia yang satu terhadap yang lain secara keseluruhan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa, dan bernegara.1 Menjadi tanggung jawab negara pula jaminan atas penegakan hukum terhadap pelanggaran prinsip-prinsip HAM. Apabila negara membiarkan ketiadaan penegakan hukum atau bahkan menjadi bagian dari pelanggaran HAM tersebut maka negara telah melakukan tindakan yang dikatakan sebagai impunitas (impunity).2