
Interdisciplinary Studies Degree

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Interdisciplinary Studies Degree
Pam: What is the Difference Between Interdisciplinary Studies and Liberal Arts?

While every educational institution will define their degrees according to their preferences, there is a standard difference between interdisciplinary studies and liberal arts. Interdisciplinary studies degree programs allow students to select a few related fields of interest and take the majority of their classes related to these topics. A liberal arts degree is simply a general degree that covers a broad array of academic topics.

The Advantages of Interdisciplinary Studies

This unique program allows students to learn by making conceptual connections between ideas and facts that are spread across different disciplines. These students are able to simultaneously
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This is especially beneficial for students who want to enter fast paced industries that require employees to continually absorb new ideas and information. These transferable skills of critical thinking and lifelong learning will help students in their personal lives. As they enter their careers, they will have an advanced worldview that is crucial to certain professionals, such as education, business, management, human resources and the arts.

Who Will Benefit?

Certain people will benefit from either of these degree choices. For example, people who have accumulated a considerable amount of credits will be able to consolidate them into a flexible program. This is ideal for members of the military and those who constantly travel or move often. Certain states prefer elementary school teachers with a undergraduate liberal arts major because this allows them to teach more academic areas. This is ideal for working adults who have already earned a degree and simply want to learn at their leisure without being restricted to one major or specific coursework. The ultimate difference between interdisciplinary studies and liberal arts is that the former is actually comprised of a few majors and the latter is a broad, unfocused degree

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