Unlike interest groups, the main goal of political parties is getting their representatives elected as president or to other government positions. In order for political parties to be successful, they must hear out interest groups to determine which issues people are truly concerned about; parties are required to focus on a wide range of issues. Political parties also rely on media and advertising to get support and campaign funds. This is taken care of mostly by PACs within the party. Political parties tend to serve the interests of the politicians themselves rather than the constituency, but they are often successfully swayed when interest groups lobby Congress,
Interest groups play a big part in the success of politicians and political parties in general. When a politician agrees to bring up a certain issue in Congress or any other position if he or she is elected, an interest group concerned with that issue will support his or her campaign with financial contributions. More money makes for stronger campaigns, so parties are able to have a big enough influence so that they are able to get their politicians elected. Interest groups will also publically endorse candidates who they feel would meet the needs of the group and raise awareness