Here’s an example found on their website :
“I bought this pullover for my girlfriend who is always freezing. Well, $100 dollars later and now she's like a freshly baked potato. It's fun to hug her while she's wearing it…”
- Matt, 12/01/09
Lexington, KY
By creating funny product descriptions, and highlighting funny customer reviews, they are encouraging others to leave funny reviews and descriptions that perpetuates unique and funny content for their website, which positions their products in a good light, AND makes you want to read more reviews, which has a way of making you want to buy the products more, it is truly brilliant marketing. They give customers points for leaving reviews which can be used to get money off items purchased on the website.
Their strategy gives their customers a voice, creates brand loyal customers, and encourages those not familiar with the company ,to spend a lot more time on their pages, often leading to sales.
Their website is full of hidden things that are funny and make poking around on their site enjoyable. Here’s a picture of the window you get when you click on the live chat button:
The picture is funny, and the headline is funny. Why wouldn’t you want to buy from this company?
Srung, R. 9 Companies We Admire for Creating Marketing People Love
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