Global cues not to overly hit India, India held its head above water during global crisis
Fiscal deficit for 2013-14 will be contained at 4.6%
Export seen at $326 billion showing 6.3 per cent year-on-year growth
Growth for FY14 estimated at 4.9%; Q3, Q4 growth seen at 5.2%
I reject the argument of policy paralysis
Let history be the judge of last 10 years
Economy in much better shape now than it was two years ago
10-year trend growth rate at 6.2 per cent, UPA I and II delivered above trend rate
Fiscal deficit down, CAD down, inflation moderated and growth picking up
Merchandise export to grow by 6.8% to USD 326 billion
3 more industrial corridors - Chennai-Bangalore, Bangalore-Mumbai, Amritsar-Kolkata - under various stages of implementation
GDP growth rate in Q3 and Q4 of 2013-14 will be at least 5.2%
Power capacity rises to 234,600 MW in 10 years
Expenditure on education has risen from Rs 10,145 crore 10 years ago to Rs 79,251 crore this year
Sugar decontrol, gradual correction of diesel prices, application for new bank licenses, sick electricity distribution companies restructured
Plan expenditure to remain unchanged at 5.55 lakh crore in 2014-15
Government fully committed to Aadhaar project. Even critics of the project will realise it's a tool of empowerment
Budgetary support to Railways increased
PSUs to achieve record capex of Rs 2,57,645 crore in 2013-14
500 MW fast breeder nuclear reaction in Kalpakkam to be ready shortly; 7 nuclear power reactors under construction
National Solar Mission to undertake 4 ultra mega solar power projects in 2014-15
Rs 1,200 crore additional assistance to N-E states to be released before end of the year
Rs 1,000 crore grant for Nirbhaya Fund will be non-lapsable; another Rs 1,000 crore to be given next fiscal
Non planned expenditure at 12.7 lakh crore
Fuel subsidy pegged at Rs 65,000 crore, food subsidy at Rs 1.15 lakh crore in 2014-15
Fuel subsidy worth Rs 35,000 crore to be