If virtue was intrinsic then that would result in individuals having no choice, but to be virtuous or unvirtuous. For instance, if it is already ingrained for an individual to be unvirtuous then it is impossible to force habit on them to become virtuous, such as the example Aristotle uses of the rock moving downward cannot be trained to move upwards (Cahn 134). Therefore, an individual is born as a clean slate who inmates and acts upon the imitations. This is how an individual becomes virtuous or unvirtuous, depending on the teachers around them. For example, a builder is taught by another builder and becomes a good builder if and only if he or she repeatedly does good building, which was taught. Then when the good or moral action is done religiously is when the individual becomes virtuous. Furthermore, individuals learn by doing and by doing just or unjust.Again, virtue cannot be intuitive because then there would be unnecessary use for teachers, on account of already being born virtuous or
If virtue was intrinsic then that would result in individuals having no choice, but to be virtuous or unvirtuous. For instance, if it is already ingrained for an individual to be unvirtuous then it is impossible to force habit on them to become virtuous, such as the example Aristotle uses of the rock moving downward cannot be trained to move upwards (Cahn 134). Therefore, an individual is born as a clean slate who inmates and acts upon the imitations. This is how an individual becomes virtuous or unvirtuous, depending on the teachers around them. For example, a builder is taught by another builder and becomes a good builder if and only if he or she repeatedly does good building, which was taught. Then when the good or moral action is done religiously is when the individual becomes virtuous. Furthermore, individuals learn by doing and by doing just or unjust.Again, virtue cannot be intuitive because then there would be unnecessary use for teachers, on account of already being born virtuous or