Assessed Coursework for 2012/13
For First Semester Exchange Students
The coursework is due to be submitted to the Undergraduate Services Office in MBSE by 3:00pm on Thursday December 13th 2012. The course work collection point will close at 3pm. Please note that assessed essays may be submitted prior to the due date, and you are encouraged to do so where possible. Your assignment is to be submitted as a paper copy and, in addition, a copy should be sent by email to ted.o’ by 3:00pm on Thursday December 13th 2012.
The time of submission of the paper copy to the Undergraduate Services Office will be used to determine whether the coursework has been submitted on time, or whether it should be subjected to a late-submission penalty. Students can collect a form for submission of coursework from the Undergraduate Services reception office in MBSE Atrium/D20, and the completed form will be receipted at the time of handing in the piece of coursework.
The assessed coursework consists of an essay of 1200 words (excluding bibliography), as detailed below. Any essay exceeding this limit by more than 10% will be penalized by 5% of the total mark. In addition, the School applies penalties for late submission of coursework, details of which are provided in the document Presentation and Submission of Undergraduate Assessed Coursework that is available on the undergraduate intranet. You need to refer to this document also to familiarize yourself with policies on plagiarism and improper forms of collusion in writing an essay. The document provides essential guidelines for the proper layout and method of submission of your assessed coursework.
Your marked essay will not be returned to you, so you should ensure that you retain a copy of your essay for your own records. You will, however, receive a feedback sheet (example attached below), which gives your overall mark and indicates strong and weak areas of your essay. You should keep these marking criteria in mind when writing your essay. (Information on the School’s overall marking criteria is included in the Course Unit Outline). You will be advised by email early during second semester as to the date of availability of your essay mark and feedback sheet. No further discussion of the awarded mark, or the reasons for this mark, will be entered into unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Assessed coursework topic/question:
A key role of management accounting is to inform investment decisions aimed at establishing and improving a firm’s competitive advantage. Often, however, the successful pursuit of competitive advantage by any one firm depends on how effectively its investments can be coordinated with those of other firms in a network or “ecosystem”.
Write an essay that analyses why inter-firm coordination of investment decisions is important, and that examines critically the kinds of inter-firm accounting and information sharing systems being designed to enable such coordination.
Your essay should be based on relevant materials from this course and on your own research.
Additional notes and instructions
The essay must not exceed 1200 words in total excluding the bibliography. This word limit includes all substantive parts of your essay (title, abstract, text of the essay, any tables and appendices) with the exception of the bibliography.
The bibliography should be the last section of your essay, and you should include a word count immediately prior to the bibliography. This word count must be generated by the word count function in WORD. You must include your final word count, which you generate as an image in your document. The School intranet provides details for how to incorporate a word count into your document.
Your essay must be typed in WORD. Please use 12-point Times New Roman font, and the main text should be in 1.5 spacing. All work must be on A4-sized paper and margins at the top and bottom, and left and right of each page, must be set at 1 inch. Citations and a corresponding full list of references (Harvard-style) must be included in the bibliography. Failure to do any of these things may lead to (unnecessary) penalties.
Assessed coursework: feedback and marking sheet
Essay Title:
Student Registration Number:
This sheet indicates your performance against key criteria. The mark awarded represents an assessment of the overall quality of your essay, taking account of these criteria, but not according to any set formula.
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Citations: and a corresponding full list of references (Harvard-style) must be included in the bibliography. Failure to do any of these things may lead to (unnecessary) penalties. Assessed coursework: feedback and marking sheet Essay Title: Student Registration Number: This sheet indicates your performance against key criteria. The mark awarded represents an assessment of the overall quality of your essay, taking account of these criteria, but not according to any set formula. | |
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