Under Armour is one of the biggest athletic apparel companies in the world. With only …show more content…
After conducting an External Factor Evaluation, Under Armour has numerous opportunities and threats. I will address the 3 biggest opportunities and threats below. The strong opportunities that Under Armour has that will make their company even more valuable started with being more attractive to the female eye (Appendix B). By catering more to the female audience it will almost be like opening up a whole new company. With female sports being the biggest that they have ever been, there is not a better time to make this happen. The next big opportunity has is to be able to grow more internationally (Appendix B). Less than 25% of their sales come from other countries which gives their competition an advantage. Under Armour has to concentrate on closing this loop hole as well. Under Armour also has the opportunity to increase their input on social responsibility (Appendix B). In a time where it seems so many people have lost love for each other for some of the worse reasons this opens up a great opportunity for Under Armour to get into the communities and help bring everyone back