Internal and External Factors of Ups
James E. Casey borrowed 100 dollars from a friend and started American Messenger Company, bicycle delivery service. In 1913, the bicycle was exchanged for a Model T Ford and the name was changed to Merchants Parcel Delivery. The company expanded from Seattle to Oakland, California in 1919, where the world’s largest delivery service was renamed the United Parcel Service, UPS. In 1930, UPS expanded to the east coast. Air operations began in 1953. In 1975 UPS became the first package delivery company to service every address in the 48 adjoining United States. By 1988, packages and documents were delivered to 175 countries. Success of this magnitude requires active management. Leaders must analyze and understand all internal and external factors affecting stakeholders. Globalization, technology, innovation, diversity and ethics all impact decision-making. Through delegation, goals to assess and manage these factors become attainable. Management Functions The four functions of management are Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling. Planning designs both long and short-term strategy by which a business will operate through a Vision, a Mission, Business Objectives and Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Rewarding and Timed (SMART) Goals. Organizing is concerned with information and tasks flow. Leading involves Staffing and Directing, propelling team members to move towards set goals through motivation, team building and discipline. Controlling firmly establishes performance standards through feedback and implementing change. Internal and external factors and stakeholders must be considered during all phases and functions of management. Internal Factors The UPS success story starts with an innovative corporate culture of ownership. This culture is emphasized with strategic value messages of history, images and slogans such as What can brown do for you? and commitment to long-term employee relationships. UPS has planned aggressively, utilizing every technological
References: (2009, July 7). UPS to cut airline 's carbon output. Atlanta Business Chronicle, p. . Thomas, Robert J., Linder, Jane C., & Dutra, Ana. (2006). Inside the values-driven culture at UPS. Outlook , September (), .