
Internal Conflict In Young Goodman Brown

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Internal Conflict In Young Goodman Brown
Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts in 1804 from " a family of declining fortunes" (Meyer, 2014, p.312). He is known for writing stories that are "complex and ambiguity that make it difficult to reduce his story to a simple view in life" (meyer, 2014, p.312). His writings include "The House of the Seven Gables"; The Snow-Image, the Blithedale Romance, The Scarlet letter, and many others. His stories were often about people who suffered from inner conflict.
In the story “Young Goodman Brown”, Hawthorne’s ending makes the reader question if Goodman Brown had actually fallen asleep in the forest and only dreamed such a horror of witch hunting. This allegory has most of his readers try and answer that question, thinking that
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“a lone woman is troubled with such dreams and such thought?” this shows the despair that he will have if when time comes to enter the forest, as well as his return. Goodman Browns wife, faith, represents Browns actual failth, that he ends up slowly losing more and more as he doubts if there is any good left in man the further into the forest he gets. Within this story it shows Goodmans own loss of his faith by showing his physical aspect of faith, his wife, becoming more distant to him. The thughts of evil the consume Goodman Brown is what forces him to continue his journey within the forst even though his is very aware of the darngers his mission holds. These thoughts continue to overwhelm him until he gets so deep in the forest that he cannot turn …show more content…
Hawthornes writing goes deeper and shows the reader Goodman Browns soul and how it is in unison to the journey within the forest. Goodman Brown understands that he is going too far into the forest, yet he continues to walk on and refuses to turn back as the devil is continuing to persuade him to go even deeper. "They continued to walk onward, while the elder traveler exhorted his companion to make good speed and persevere in the

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