1 Introduction
Nowadays, in most of the industries companies act according to set standards which ensure that the products and services the companies produce are safe, reliable and of good quality. These standards are strategic tools that reduce costs by minimizing waste and errors, and increase productivity. They help companies to access new markets, level the playing field for developing countries and to achieve their objectives.
It is impossible not to take into account the fact, that every organization, regardless of its mission, strives to reach objectives through its workforce. Successful results are achievable if all members of the organization team know and share strategic goals and know and achieve their individual goals. Therefore, effectively managing employee performance is critical to organizational success.
The situation is that there is no a widely-accepted standard for Human Resource Management at the moment. This issue raises the following questions: Should there be a prevalent HRM standard? If yes, what should it include and what benefits it will introduce?
2 Discussions
The public attention to standatrtisation has increased and its role has became more significant. There are some factors behind the change: economic globalization has expanded markets for products and services beyond our shores, raising the need to take standarts into consideration even at the development stage of technologies; standardisation activities towards global market becomes an essential part of organizational strategies for the future; and in society, standards are used as soft law to complement the current legal system.
The issue of introducing the International Standards on Human Resource is being disscused in the business world during several years by the moment. There is a need for a broad, coordinated guidance to human resource practitioners, which will harmonize disparate practices for the benefit of organizations and
References: http://www.greatplacetowork.com/our-approach/what-is-a-great-workplace http://www.valuentis.com/Publications/Books/ISHCM_IiP_EvalStudy_030406.pdf http://www.investorsinpeople.com/about/about-iip/ http://www.investorsinpeople.com/about/benefits-of-iip/ http://dawn.com/news/696800/setting-human-resource-standards http://www.shrm.org/about/pressroom/PressReleases/Pages/ANSIGivesBoosttoHumanResources.aspx