Multi culture
Outstanding nature
World Heritage Landing
The attitude of the people
New rival country
Multi-culture is one of the biggest strengths that Malaysian Tourism has because we have 3 main different cultures living together which is Malays, Chinese and Indian. Besides that, we also have other culture in Sabah and Sarawak which is Iban, Kadanzan and other which make our country is a multi culture country. Due to we have multi culture, we also have variety of food from different culture. Malaysia has variety of foods like Malays, Chinese, Indian, Nyonya food and many more. This had been able to attract the tourism and this also become one of the strength that Malaysian Tourism has. Tourist had been able to experiences different culture and food. Moreover, we also have many celebration of festival with different religion also attracts tourism to join our cultural festival. This can be the main point in attracting the tourism to explore our festival.
Another strength that we have is the language ability. Malaysia is a country that widely speaks English which enable the tourist can easily ask question. Most of Malaysia people can speak well in English compare to Japan and Korea. This had enabled us able to communicate with the tourist. Besides that, we also have multi languages which are Malay, English, Mandarin and Cantonese which also allow Malaysia able to communicate with tourist from China and Hong Kong. This can attract many kinds of people in different country to visit us where communications are flexible to suits many people. On the other words, we can attract different country people since our language ability is good. Besides that, we also have an outstanding nature where we have the natural beauties that haven’t seen before which we have the tropical forest that Singapore doesn’t have and the lake,