Student Name: FIRST NAME Family / last NAME Student Number: Email:
Course Code Course Title
(Example) (Example)
Campus of Study: Sydney (eg Callaghan, Ourimbah, Port Macquarie)
Assessment Item Title: GSBS6003 assignment 1 Due Date/Time:
Tutorial Group (If applicable): Word Count (If applicable):
Lecturer/Tutor Name: Julian W. Yim
Extension Granted: Yes No Granted Until: Please attach a copy of your extension approval NB: STUDENTS MAY EXPECT THAT THIS ASSIGNMENT WILL BE RETURNED WITHIN 3 WEEKS OF THE DUE DATE OF SUBMISSION
I declare that this assessment item is my own work unless otherwise acknowledged and is in accordance with the University’s academic integrity policy available from the Policy Library on the web at
I certify that this assessment item has not been submitted previously for academic credit in this or any other course. I certify that I have not given a copy or have shown a copy of this assessment item to another student enrolled in