Postgraduate Diploma in Management
The Impact of Fixed Exchange Rates in a Global Economy A Research Project Report on the Relevance of Fixed Exchange Rate Systems A case of World Vision Kenya
Student’s Name: Hesbone Nzambuli Kang’e
Registration Number: CAM/2006/PGD/KEN/00143
Purpose: Fulfilment of the Requirements of the Postgraduate Diploma in Management
Presented to: Cambridge Association of Manger, International Examinations, UK
August 2007
I declare that this project is my original work and has not been exhibited or published in any way and has never been presented for any awards in any institution.
Name: Hesbone Nzambuli Kang’e Signature: ____________________ Date____________
This project has been submitted for examination with my approval as the supervisor.
Name: Catherine Mwangi Signature: Date:
This project has fulfilled the Quality Assurance Policy requirements
Name: Signature: Date:
Head of Quality Assurance
This project has been submitted for examinations with my approval as the moderator.
Name: Signature: Date:
Project Assessments Coordinator
This project has been submitted for examinations with my approval.
Name: Dr. Humphrey Oborah Signature: Date:
Head of Missions and Curriculum Manager,
Digital Advisory and Learning Centre
The successful completion of this project would have been impossible were it not for the guidance, assistance, encouragement and cooperation of many people to whom I owe a tremendous debt of gratitude.
Recognition goes to my employer, World Vision Kenya (WVK) for paying part of the tuition costs. My supervisor at work, Girma Begashaw, is appreciated for allowing me to undertake this research in the organisation. The tuition and guidance provided by the module tutor Prof. Dr. Chritos Pitelis of the University of Cambridge, the