Office Phone Email
Chiung-Hui Tseng 61411A (Institute of International Business) (06) 275-7575 ext.53512 ctseng@mail.ncku.edu.tw
Ireland, R.D., Hoskisson, R.E., and Hitt, M.A. (2009) The Management of Strategy: Concepts and Cases, 8th Edition, South-Western Press.
Course Objectives
In the past a few decades, the trend of globalization has rendered the world economies more interdependent. All businesses today (both international and domestic ones) are exposed to international competitive forces that can have serious consequences for their performance and survival. Such international competition especially brings new challenges and problems to corporations and managers directly involved in foreign markets. Among various issues arising from international operations, this course particularly focuses on the managerial challenges associated with strategy development and corporate management for those firms whose business activities transcend national boundaries.
Specifically, objectives of this course are twofold: 1. to expose students to issues related to business strategy within the context of global markets and competition 2. to provide students with significant opportunities to develop oral communication and presentation skills
Requirements and Grading
Participation 30%
Case Analysis and Presentation 30%
Mid-Term Self Evaluation (close-book) 10%
Final Exam (close-book) 20%
All students are expected to PREPARE for and PARTICIPATE in every class meeting. Through in-class discussion, we can all learn from each other’s viewpoints and, more importantly, we can learn more by debating issues than by listening passively.
Grading on participation is based on the following scale:
Participation Quantity and Quality Points
Contributions ranked top 10% 100
Contributions ranked next 20% 90
Contributions ranked next 20%