Professor Khan
International Business
10 September 2013
Case Study Assignment #1 The three different types of international orientations that MNC’s project are global, multi-domestic and domestic. When a company exhibits a global marketing orientation its marketing strategy is global, and its market coverage is the world. The firm or company develops a standardized marketing mix applicable across national boundaries. The product, promotion, price and place are standard and are not tailored toward any specific group of people or place where the marketing is done. The world as a whole is viewed as the market, and the firm develops an inclusive marketing strategy. Unlike a global orientation, a multi-domestic orientation tailors the marketing mix toward individual countries where the marketing is conducted. The product, promotion, price and place operate independently in one region to the next. On the other hand, a domestic orientation remains basically domestic. Minimal efforts are made to adapt the product, promotion, price or place to foreign markets. The primary intention is to market surplus domestic production; the approach is classified as ethnocentric which is the notion that one’s own company or culture knows best. Nike exhibits a global orientation. They have developed a global brand by marketing an image of quality, versatility and status everywhere. McDonald’s exhibits a multi domestic orientation in South Asia. While keeping its branding consistent, they practice multi domestic marketing efforts. They bring local flavor to different countries with region specific menu items. In 2003, McDonald’s introduced the McArabia, a flatbread sandwich, to its restaurants in the Middle East. Shell is an example of a domestic brand. They registered in the United States and remain in business in the United States. (Kokemuller) GE Energy is at the heart of China’s sustainable development, offering green solutions to address the country’s energy
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