Natural resources - Mobile but nonrenewable.
Resource flows- Renewable energy sources.
Environmental resources-resources provided by nature that are indivisible.
Types of Natural Resources
Resources that occur naturally in nature are known as natural resources.
Natural resources can be found in our environment.
The environments are the conditions that surround us.
Natural resources cannot be made by man, but man can help ensure their continued existence.
People need many natural resources to live.
Other natural resources are used to make life easier.
Defining Global Governance
“Governance is the framework of social and economic systems and legal and political structures through which humanity manages itself.” -- World Humanity Action Trust, 2000. Environmental governance “is the term we use to describe how we as humans exercise our authority over natural resources and natural systems.” It is about questions concerning “how we make environmental decisions and who makes them….” Using this broad conceptualization, environmental governance involves much more than the work of governments. It “relates to decision-makers at all levels—government managers and ministers, business people, property owners, farmers, and consumers. In short, it deals with who is responsible, how they wield their power, and how they are held accountable.”
In discussions of governance, three terms come up often:
Institutions. In the context of governance, “institutions” can be thought of as the formal and informal rules that govern social interactions. Formal rules are illustrated by laws and regulations, and informal rules are illustrated by social norms.
Good governance. This term is used to describe governance characterized by high levels of transparency, accountability, and fair treatment.
Civil society. This term “refers to the arena of uncovered collective action around shared interests, purposes and values. In theory, its