Aimee Head
September 9, 2013
Kathryn Harris
No two countries have the same political and legal system. Each country has its own laws and regulations on business and products. When doing business in another country it is important to know the laws and abide by them. Culture plays a huge part in a business’s success when venturing into a foreign market. Being sensitive to the cultural and religious beliefs in that country is important to a business’s long term success. A business needs to be educated in the laws, customs and cultures of that country so that business will be able to comply and coincide with that country. A business needs to know how and where to resolve any legal issues that may arise …show more content…
Allowing employees to observe religious and cultural holidays will not only keep moral high but also will keep the company within the laws that country has. Knowing the cultural normalities and integrating those into the business model will allow for the employees and members of the community to feel that the business has their interests mind. Being able to comply with the laws of the country in which the business is in while also complying with the laws set by the country, in which the mother company resides, can be a hard line to walk. Complying with the laws of the country in which was agreed upon in the contract at the onset of the partnership would prevail. Making sure to follow the rules of the country that the business is in is important because that is where the business will produce its goods. “Employees who engage in international business are responsible for knowing and complying with both the laws and regulations of the countries in which the businesses operate and the U.S. law and regulations that apply outside U.S. borders. If U.S. law conflicts with the local customs, or if the local law is more restrictive than U.S. laws or company policies, one must follow the more restrictive law, custom or policy” (Olin, …show more content…
Conforming to the culture and abiding by the laws that are set in that country are essential to that business and its success. A company needs to know how to resolve issues that will come up in the daily running of the business. Being sensitive to religious and cultural norms will not only help with the moral of employees but the community as well. Adhering to the contract in which the company agreed upon will help avoid any legal action being taken against them. By following the laws and cultures of the country the business resides in will ensure success of the company and future dealings in that