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IBL 1. Introduction to International Private law and European law. International law is agreed by 2 or more states and is applicable to those states. It is laid down in treaties, conventions, regulations and declarations (verdragen, conventies, regelgeving, verklaringen). International law: 1.International public law is concerned with issues as the set-up of international institutions (united nations, European community, European court of human rights), human rights (European convention on human rights) and the extradition of nationals from another country to their home country. 2.International private law to solve problems in international legal relationships which arise from different legal systems. Every country has its own international private law. It deals with 3 main issues: 1. Jurisdiction in cases of litigation between 2 parties from different states (what court of law has jurisdiction?-EEX). 2. That the law will be applied in cases of international litigation between 2 parties (what law is to be applied?-ECO). 3. Solutions to legal problems arising out of an international legal relationship (Is there a specific treaty that provides an immediate solution?-CISG). European Community law(EC) the EC treaty and all legislation which is based on it, binding for all Member States of the EC. EC law deals with several aspects of international private law. International business law is a part of international private law. European law (EC law) is international law, it’s based on 1 treaty (EC-Treaty), several institutions and types of legislation are based on this treaty (differences with private law). The EC law takes precedence over the national laws of countries that have