Contents Introduction 3 Company and Product Background 3 Comparative Country and Product Market Attractiveness Assessment with Justification and Opportunity Statement 6 Entry Strategy 12 Marketing Objective 15
Marketing Mix of the chosen market………………………...….16
The Riverina Cheese Group P/L is a privately owned company that manufactures a range of continental Dairy Products for the Domestic Market. Riverina Cheese is the best fresh cheese and yoghurt maker in Australia. It is a delicate mix of traditional hands-on cheese making, supported by computerized milk storage and handling, allows Riverina Cheese to deliver consistently high quality fresh yoghurt and cheeses. Moreover, there are different types of cheese are manufactured and contract packed by Riverina Cheese, such as Ricotta, Halourmi, Bocconcini, Fetta, Pizza Cheese, Fresco and Fresh Yoghurt.
This plan will display the company and product background, analysis the comparative country and product market attractiveness, and evaluate the market selection with justification and opportunity statements, then give an entry strategy and marketing objectives, finally give some recommendations for the 4Ps of the marketing mix in the chosen market.
Company and product background
The Riverina Cheese Group P/L is a privately owned company that manufactures a range of continental Dairy Products for the Domestic Market. Manufacturing commenced at Leeton plant in September 1994 and in December 2005 opened a second manufacturing site in Albury NSW.
In addition, Riverina Cheese
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