Globalizing world: + and + opportunities, communication Tools, ways to move
International mobility: stay at least one year abroad
1,6 millions French expatriated “registered” (only for far countries, dangerous…)
2,5millions estimated in total
67% of French men and 33% of women
86% of worldwide exp are men
French expats goes mostly in European Union, Asia (), the rest of Europe and the in South America ().
French expats go mostly in United Kingdom (not registered) and Switzerland according to the registration
Expats are more and more young
And most of them are paid less than 30.000 per year, but people who are earning more than 76.000 are more and more numerous.
67% of expats are married and 67% of their spouses work in the country
People mostly come back more than 2 or 3 times a year in France
Career Anchors (Schein)
Technical Creativity
Management Devotion
Autonomy Challenge
Stability Quality of life
According to Schein people have only one anchor and it doesn’t change during life. II. Reasons and preparation
For the company: * Create a subsidiary * Develop a subsidiary * Develop local skills * Develop the expatriates’ skills To understand the objective of the company
For the employee: * Discover something new * Take up a challenge * Develop one’s skills * Boost one’s career * Earn more money * Escape from a difficult situation
The ERD theory (Alderfer) * Existence * R * Development
Preparation for the company: * The right casting * A possible task * Welcoming and help facilities in place * Patronage (in place and at the head office) * Who looks after the mission? What is next?
Preparation for the employee: * A professional and personal project * To valid the financial package (wages, benefits, status etc…) * To prepare oneself psychologically, to anticipate * To manage logistics the best way