International Politics as an academic discipline is of a recent origin. This discipline is that so new that it can be called as the ‘youngest of all the social sciences’. It is dynamic in nature. The first chair of international Politics was founded in 1919 at the university College, Wales, U.K. Since International Politics is concerned with the relations among different nations. In the present time, Environment protection, growing international terrorism, violation of Human Rights, Nuclear proliferation, unjust economic order, negative impacts of globalization etc are being undertaken by this subject for the study.
DEFINITATIONS OF INTERNATIONAL POLITICS According to H.J. Morgenthau, “International Politics include analysis of political relations and problems of peace among nations. Further he writes, It “is struggle for and use of power among nations.” According to Charles Schleicher, “ All inter-state relations are included in international politics, through all the inter-state relations are not political.”
DIFFERENT IN THEIR SUBJECT MATTER:-International relations is a comprehensive concept and all type of political, non-political, social, economic, cultural, legal, governmental and non-governmental relations etc are its subject matter. In comparison to it the relation of international politics is with the power struggle going on among different nations as every state weak or strong wants to spread its influence over other nations. DIFFERENCE IN THE METHOD OF STUDY:-Explanatory method is used for the study of International Relations whereas analytical method is used for the study of International politics. DIFFERENCE IN THEIR OBJECTIVE:- The ultimate aim of International Relations is the establishment of International peace and for the fulfillment of this objective principles are laid down