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Executive summary Base on the fact and rules bind this paper gives dispassionate advice to the Australia Government in a legal memorandum form, use an IRAC stage to discuss the related legislations and agreements occurred in the measure fact. Respectively some evidence are somehow lack or outmoded, dynamic evidences should be employ in case to sure the applicable.
To: Australia government
From: Ange Dong
RE: Australia legal whale measure case
Date: April 12, 2013
Question presented Is Australia whale measure an international issue has respect to other countries? Do other countries have right to argue or complain to the world trade organization to intervention with Australia legal measure? Does GATT& SPS measures applicable?
Short Answer Yes. Australia legal whale measure ban on whale products trade both internationally and domestically, imply trade obstacles of whale goods. As a public international trade law the members under WTO have right to minimize obstacles to trade by implement relative agreement. GATT is applicable inasmuch as a least trade restrictive measures genuinely. SPS measure is applicable by reason trade measures relate to protect human health.
Fact and issue In 2013, Australia government implement measures that ban on all kind of whale products both internationally and domestically, give reason that it has enough of IWC softness