The internet has the world under its hand and foot. There is not a day that goes by that a person is not on a computer for one thing or another. The World Wide Web was originally used by the military for military purposes. Then in the early 90s the web had gotten released to the public to use for finding limited information out. Now anyone can get on-line and surf the web.
Internet access to the world has changed every culture traumatically. Instead of people dating out in public, there is now dating sites. A person can watch television and movies on-line now instead of going to movie theaters and ordering from the cable company. The normal now is to go to school on-line to accommodate the working person with children. Normal now-a-days is not what it used to be. Normal now is sitting in front of the television and computer playing and making your mind weak. In how which one may evaluate the impact that the internet has on society, it could possibly be dependent on one's individual vantage point. After several years Germany, South Korea, and the Philippines have became a nation of technology. While these nations have sought to be democracies, they are very different in conditions of economic development, and, as a result, also poles apart regarding internet infiltration and the impact of digital technology on politics. Replicated-pessimists are also not overwhelmed by the prospects of using the Internet as a means to popularize political elections. Apart from the undetermined technical issues involved, sceptics have voiced underlying political and legitimate concerns. There seems to be an agreement in all democracies experimenting with online-elections that these should only become a substitute to the traditional modes of voting after software has been developed which guarantees broad, straight, without charge, identical and undisclosed elections. Particularly, the principle of privacy poses a challenge for the proponents of