Chapter 2 Contributing to the Service Culture service culture | A service environment made up of various factors, including the values, beliefs, norms, rituals and practices of a group or organization. | | mission | The direction or focus of an organization that supports day-to-day interactions with customers. | service philosophy | The approach that an organization takes to providing service and addressing the needs of customers. | employee roles | Task assignments that service providers assume. | RUMBA | An acronym for five criteria (realistic, understandable, measurable, believable, and attainable) used to establish and measure employee performance goals. * Realistic – your behavior and responsibilities must be in line with the reality of your particular workplace and customer base. * Understandable – you must have a sound understanding of your performance goals before you can act appropriately and effectively, just the way you need to understand how to do your job or how to communicate with others in the workplace. * Measurable –how you accomplish your job tasks in terms of following an established step-by-step formula are used to determine your accomplishment of goals. * Believable – For any goal to be attained, it must be believable to the people who will strive to reach it and to the supervisors or team leaders who will monitor it. * Attainable – Given the right training, management support, and organizational environment in which the tools, information, assistance, and rewards are provided, you can attain your goals. | mentors | Individuals who dedicate time and effort to befriend and assist others. In an organization, they are typically people with a lot of knowledge, experience, skills, and initiative, and have a large personal and professional network established. | empowerment | The word used to describe the giving of decision- making and problem-resolution authority to lower-level employees in an
Chapter 2 Contributing to the Service Culture service culture | A service environment made up of various factors, including the values, beliefs, norms, rituals and practices of a group or organization. | | mission | The direction or focus of an organization that supports day-to-day interactions with customers. | service philosophy | The approach that an organization takes to providing service and addressing the needs of customers. | employee roles | Task assignments that service providers assume. | RUMBA | An acronym for five criteria (realistic, understandable, measurable, believable, and attainable) used to establish and measure employee performance goals. * Realistic – your behavior and responsibilities must be in line with the reality of your particular workplace and customer base. * Understandable – you must have a sound understanding of your performance goals before you can act appropriately and effectively, just the way you need to understand how to do your job or how to communicate with others in the workplace. * Measurable –how you accomplish your job tasks in terms of following an established step-by-step formula are used to determine your accomplishment of goals. * Believable – For any goal to be attained, it must be believable to the people who will strive to reach it and to the supervisors or team leaders who will monitor it. * Attainable – Given the right training, management support, and organizational environment in which the tools, information, assistance, and rewards are provided, you can attain your goals. | mentors | Individuals who dedicate time and effort to befriend and assist others. In an organization, they are typically people with a lot of knowledge, experience, skills, and initiative, and have a large personal and professional network established. | empowerment | The word used to describe the giving of decision- making and problem-resolution authority to lower-level employees in an