When Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the first man-made object that is sent into the space to orbit the earth, on October 4,1957, the United States was forced to create an invention that would surpass the sputnik technology. In February 1958, the United States formed a research team named Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), which would help the United States to be ahead in technology field. This is where the innovation of Internet started. ARPA played an important role in developing the Internet. With the help of the knowledge of packet-switching theory, the setting-up of nodes (hosts), the sending of electronic messages, Internet gradually came alive. Internet eventually expanded in 1980s and grew bigger and bigger by the easy access from personal computers and modems. When WWW (world wide web) was introduced in 1991, Internet development was unstoppable since people do not need to know the complex commands to use Internet. They only need a WWW browser to use Internet. Later on, World Wide Web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, and Opera are developed and they help us navigate the web pages. From there, the growth of Internet has been expanding and
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