Global Economics Environment
Prof. McDonaldAmini
White Paper Outline
Internet Restriction
Xiaonan Jiang
The first amendment in the constitution of the United State of America states the freedom of religion, press and expression would be cornerstone for the democracy and the base of all human rights. Nowadays, freedoms of the speech are not limited only towards publication of articles, criticism towards unfairness and the voice of the people towards the government. With the advancement of technology, Internet and social media become the new battle ground to testified and challenge those laws. Unlike the Internet freedom we so appreciate and could not live without here in America, some other parts of the world, Internet restriction is control to the maximum level so the voice of the people would be silenced under the tyrannies of government. This action is against human right and politically unfair, it would oppress the opposition and create imbalance in the global economy.
This paper would focus on the Internet censorship in the People Republic of China, and the effect of such action towards the global economy, especially towards the US economy. Identified important issues, and offer a feasible solution to the issues that would mutually benefit both economies.
Background and definition
• We are unable to determinate when did the dispute actually started, but with the recent year increase of world wide wise commerce activities, such issues become clear and disputed by both government.
• Since the USA Internet services were never censored nor blocked, there are dispute from other government regarding the matter, but in vise versa with the Chinese government controlled Internet services, were always criticized, by foreign government that deemed unfair and manipulative.
• Large US corporations attempt to enter the largest technology market in the world
Cited: Ansfield , J. (2012, November 13). China Pressures Businesses to Help Censor Web - The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. Retrieved 2013, from Black, E. (2011, December 6). China 's Internet Censorship Harms Trade, US Companies - Forbes. Information for the World 's Business Leaders - Retrieved 2013, from CECC (2011, November 17). CHINA?S CENSORSHIP OF THE INTER- NET AND SOCIAL MEDIA: THE HUMAN TOLL AND TRADE IMPACT. Congressional Committee on China. Retrieved 2013, from Hindley , B. (2009, December). ECIPE - European Centre for International Political Economy. Retrieved 2013, from James, R. (2009, March 18). A Brief History of Chinese Internet Censorship - TIME. Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - Retrieved 2013, from,8599,1885961,00.html Roberts, D. (2012, December 10). The Great Internet Firewall of China - Businessweek. Businessweek - Business News, Stock market & Financial Advice. Retrieved 2013, from