March 18, 2008 / /
Morgan Stanley is currently acting as a financial advisor to Microsoft Corp. ("Microsoft") in relation to their proposed offer to acquire Yahoo! Inc. ("Yahoo!"), as announced on February 1, 2008.
The proposed offer is subject to definitive documentation, due diligence, the consent of Yahoo! shareholders, required regulatory approvals and other customary closing conditions. This report and the information provided herein is not intended to (i) provide voting advice, (ii) serve as an endorsement of the proposed transaction, or (iii) result in the procurement, withholding or revocation of a proxy or any other action by a security holder.
Please refer to the notes at the end of the report.
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Internet Trends
• Usage Patterns
• Social Networking
• Widget-ization + Component-ization
• Measurability + Transparency + Customer Satisfaction
• Video
• Monetization
• Mobile
• Emerging Markets
• Recession
Changes in Usage Patterns
Consumers Leading Way –
58% CAGR in IP Traffic, 2005E-2011E
Global IP Traffic
IP Traffic