Bangladesh emerged as a self-ruling nation on December 16th, 1971 a bloody war of nine months starting from March 26th, 1971. She had to start her economic activities from the very scratch due to the liberation war damages. The financial system of the county, which is an important sector of the socio-economic development also, suffered tremendously during the liberation war. Immediately after the independence there existed a wide range of dislocation almost else where, and Banks started operation from the position of dis-equilibrium and imbalances in their assets and liabilities. After independence, the commercial Banks operating in Bangladesh were nationalized. At that 12 Banks were in operation, out of which 10 were Pakistani Banks, which controlled 1175 Branches and 70 percent deposits. These Pakistani Banks were abandoned and taken over by the Bangladesh Government through Bangladesh Bank nationalization order, 1972. So those macro objectives of the state could be achieved and socio-economic objectives may get priority from Banking sector. Currently 52 Banks are working in our country under the BB Order 1992, BCA 1991, and Company Act 1994. Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank in one of them.
During the tenure of our internship program, we got scope to learn many things, which I believe, will help build our Banking career. Moreover, the observation, which I made during the fortnight long training, has widened my knowledge and creates an insight, which will help me in many ways, in the days to come.