Internship report
The relationship between Vietnam and Laos in recent years and future expectation
Student’s name: Nguyen Thi Thanh Hien
Class: IS10
Student ID: 1006080017
Internship organization: National Boundary Commission-Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Hanoi, March 10th 2014
It is the fact that in the era of modernization and industrialization, as well as the global integration, workforce, the skillful one in particular, is one of the most important factors for the development of a country. However, there will be a big mistake if foreign languages are not taken as priority under such circumstance. Therefore, in order to provide a high-qualified labor force with a high level of foreign languages, Hanoi University (formerly known as Hanoi University of Foreign Languages) decided to establish some new specialized courses which are taught parallel with foreign languages under the international standard method of education. The university executive department, together with lecturers and teaching assistants from all departments has always supported the student to not only thoroughly understand theories in class, but also facilitate the creation of real working environment. During the training period in the workplace, students can get experiences and be familiar with the realistic work. Also, it is a good time for them to put the knowledge studied at university into practice.
With the recommendation from the Faculty of International Studies-Hanoi University, I have a chance to practice English, and apply all the theories, especially those related to the international relations subject which I have been taught at the university in working at the National Boundary Commission. I have spent 5 weeks as an intern at the commission, from January 21st 2014 to March 10th 2014 with the helps from the chairman as well as all the staffs of the National Boundary
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