Internship Report Absenteeism: Measurement and Intervention
Accenture Supervisor
At the very beginning, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to some people for their support and assistance with this internship. I would like to thank my immediate supervisor Mr. RAMIAH Allan, for giving me the chance to work with Accenture, but also, for the patience, guidance, encouragement and advice he has provided throughout my internship. The special thank goes to my Academic supervisor, Mr. PICHAULT François for his co-operation, supervision and support. From HEC School I express much gratitude to Mme. BEQUET Muriel for providing me a magnificent opportunity in the form of this internship program. I finally, acknowledge my thanks to all the other staff members of Accenture who directly or indirectly helped me in completing this project.
When I joined the internship at Accenture, I was allotted the study of “Absenteeism” on a Business Process Outsourcing project. At first, it seems to me quite an easy problematic to analyze, But as I embark on the mission, only then I understood its real significance and complexity. Convinced that prevention is better than cure, Accenture want to implement effective measures in order to reduce absenteeism and then improved employee engagement. To reach this objective we followed these steps: The first step was to capture the As-Is situation through a quantitative analysis, where we quantify the absenteeism in terms of percentages (Rate of absenteeism; Cross analysis.) this phase allowed us to dress a first profile of “Mr. Absenteeism”. Then, In order to understand the attitudes and behaviors of Accenture’s employee on that particular project, we conducted a qualitative analysis through an online survey administrated to the four areas. Furthermore to have a clear idea about the as is