The main purpose of the report becomes very clear from the topic of the report. The report discusses about the different credit facilities, approval process, monitoring and performance. The main objectives of the report are identifying the credit approval and monitoring and their overall performance in the last few years. This report forces on the literatures behind banking credit. It includes Credit services of DBL, different loan categories, and credit analysis, loan review and handling default loans. It also describes in detail about the procedure of sanctioning credit, loan documentation and execution, stamping witness and other legal formalities. It also describes the issuance of different bank guarantees. Findings and analysis of the information are in the last Part of the report. It includes outstanding, recovery, and classified loan ratios. Difference between the outstanding and the classified loans in different sectors over the last four years are also analyzed. It also includes the summery of findings. Findings of the report say about the prior and neglected sectors of the creditfacilities. It also contains the outstanding, recovery and classified loan status in different sectors over the past few years. The last part ends with competitive analysis, SWOT Analysis, recommendations and conclusions.
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1.2 Background of the Report:
After my completion of eight semesters in B.B.A (Bachelor of BusinessAdministration) from Department of